
Tá an seoladh IP seo:, cláraithe le St. Conleth's College Dublin. D'fhéadfadh sé go mbíonn níos mó ná aon úsáideoir amháin ag úsáid an seoladh seo.

Má dhéanann aon duine loitiméireacht ar an Vicipéid ón seoladh seo, rachaidh muid i dteagmháil le St. Conleth's College Dublin chun an stiúrthóir gréasáin áitiúil a chur ar eolas faoi mhí-úsáid an ghréasáin.

Níor chóir an seoladh IP seo a bhlocáil ná na hathruithe a tháinig uaidh a chealú roimh seiceáil éigin a dhéanamh. Más í an bhlocáil an t-aon rogha atá ann, b'fhiú do na riarthóirí triail a bhaint as an mblocáil bhog ar dtús.


cuir in eagar

Haigh - agus fáilte. A lot of new articles have been generated from this IP range of late. While this is great, there are standards and guidelines which the project follows - and these need to be considered. If a language or computer class is undertaking a project (or even if an individual or individuals are working off their own initiative), please consider replying here or dropping me an email so we can figure out how best to coordinate efforts. Beir bua. Guliolopez 17:19, 19 Meán Fómhair 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hello. I repeat my request that someone from St Conleth's (teacher, project leader, whoever) get in contact about the (apparent) ongoing project. It's great that pupils are contributing to Wikipedia, but ideally those contributions would be managed somehow. Content added to the main main article space is subject to minimum standards, and (unless we can arrange something else) I'm considering following the guidelines (for content that doesn't meet minimum legible language requirements) and moving many of the newly created articles to page(s) in the talk or user namespace. Guliolopez 13:58, 21 Meán Fómhair 2011 (UTC)Reply