John Carey

léachtóir Gaeilge

Scoláire i Léann Ceilteach is ea an Meiriceánach John Carey. Déanann sé speisialtóireacht i luathlitríocht, reiligiún agus miotaseolaíocht na Gaeilge agus na Breatnaise.

Infotaula de personaJohn Carey
Breith6 Márta 1957
67 bliana d'aois
Faisnéis phearsanta
Scoil a d'fhreastail sé/síOllscoil Harvard Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Réimse oibreLitríocht na hÉireann
GairmCeiltíoch, scoláire Béarla, acadóir Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata

Fuair sé a chéim amach ó Harvard University, agus rinneadh ollamh comhlach de sa Department of Celtic Languages and Literature. Bronnadh comhaltachtaí air ag an Warburg Institute, an Institute of Irish Studies ag Ollscoil na Banríona, Béal Feirste agus ag an Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath. Chuaigh sé chun múineadh ansin go Roinn na Sean- agus na Meán-Ghaeilge[1] ag Coláiste na hOllscoile, Corcaigh (UCC). Is comhalta é ag Temenos Academy agus ina eagarthóir ar an Temenos Academy Review.[2]

  • 1982. "The Location of the Otherworld in Irish Tradition." Éigse 19 (1982): 36-43.
  • 1984. "Nodons in Britain and Ireland." ZCP 40 (1984): 1-22.
  • 1987. "Time, Space, and the Otherworld." Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 7: 1-27.
  • 1989-90. "Myth and Mythography in Cath Maige Tuired." Studia Celtica 24-5: 53-69.
  • 1991. "A British Myth of Origins?" History of Religions 31: 24-38.
  • 1994. The Irish National Origin-Legend: Synthetic Pseudohistory. Quiggin Pamphlets on the Sources of Mediaeval Gaelic History 1. Cambridge, University of Cambridge.
  • 1994 (eag. le John T. Koch). The Celtic Heroic Age. Literary Sources for Ancient Celtic Europe and Early Ireland and Wales. Malden, Massachusetts: Celtic Studies Publications. Includes translations by John Carey.
  • 1994. "An Edition of the Pseudo-Historical Prologue to the Senchas Már." Ériu 45: 1-32.
  • 1996. "The Narrative Setting of Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig." Études Celtiques 32: 189-201.
  • 1997. "The Three Things Required of a Poet." Ériu 48: 41-58.
  • 1998 (1d eag.), 2000 (2a eag.). King of Mysteries. Early Irish Religious Writings. Baile Átha Cliath: Four Courts Press.
  • 1999. A Single Ray of the Sun. Religious Speculation in Early Ireland. Andover and Aberystwyth.
  • 2002. "The Lough Foyle Colloquy Texts." Ériu 52 (2002): 53-87.
  • 2002. "Werewolves in Medieval Ireland." Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 44 (Geimhreadh 2002): 37-72.
  • 2004. "The Encounter at the Ford: Warriors, Water and Women." Éigse 34 (2004): 10-24.
  • 2005. "Tara and the Supernatural." In The Kingship and Landscape of Tara, eag. Edel Bhreathnach. Bhaile Átha Cliath. 32-48.
  • 2007. Ireland and the Grail. Aberystwyth: Celtic Studies Publications.
  • 2007. "In Tenga Bithnua and the Days of Creation." Apocrypha 18: 231-46.

Naisc sheachtracha

cuir in eagar
  1. Roinn na Sean- agus na Meán-Ghaeilge, CnO, Corcaigh
  2. "The Temenos Academy Review". Dáta rochtana: 18ú Meán Fómhair 2015.