Tagraíonn An tSamhail Nordach (ar a dtugtar freisin An Caipitlíocht Nordach [1] nó An Daonlathas sóisialta Nordach)[2][3] do na beartais eacnamaíocha agus sóisialta atá coitianta sna tíortha Nordacha (an Danmhairg, an Fhionlainn, an Iorua, an Íoslainn, Oileáin Fharó agus an tSualainn). Áirítear leis seo stát leasa lánchuimsitheach agus idirbheartaíocht  chómhargála ar an leibhéal náisiúnta agus ardchéatadán den lucht oibre ceardchumannaithe, agus é bunaithe ar bhunaíochtaí eacnamaíocha caipitleachais an tsaormhargaidh.[4][5][6] Tarraingíodh aird ar an tsamhail Nordach tar éis an Dara Cogadh Domhanda.[7][8].

Cé go bhfuil difríochtaí suntasacha ann i measc na dtíortha Nordacha, bíonn roinnt tréithe coiteann acu ar fad. Áirítear orthu sin tacaíocht do stát leasa "uilíoch" atá dírithe go sonrach ar fheabhas a chur ar neamhspleáchas aonair agus ar shoghluaisteacht shóisialta a chur chun cinn; [[Corparáideachas|córas corparáideach a bhaineann le socrú trípháirteach ina ndéanann ionadaithe saothair agus na bhfostóirí idirbheartaíocht ar phá agus ar pholasaí an mhargaidh saothair faoi stiúir an rialtais[9]; agus tiomantas d'úinéireacht phríobháideach, saormhargaí [10], agus saorthrádáil [11].

Tá a samhlacha eacnamaíocha agus sóisialta féin ag gach ceann de na tíortha Nordacha, uaireanta le difríochtaí móra óna comharsana.[12] De réir an tsocheolaí Lane Kenworthy, i gcomhthéacs an tsamhail Nordaigh, ciallaíonn "daonlathas sóisialta" sraith polasaithe chun slándáil agus deis eacnamaíoch a chur chun cinn laistigh de chreat caipitlíochta seachas athsholáthar caipitleachais.[13]


cuir in eagar

"Léiríonn "An tSamhail Nordach - ag glacadh le domhandú agus rioscaí a roinnt" (Béarla: "The Nordic Model: Embracing globalization and sharing risks") an córas seo a leanas: [14]

  1. "{{{title}}}" (2011). 
  2. "{{{title}}}" (2013). Springer. 
  3. Pontusson, Jonas. "{{{title}}}": 89–115. Duke University Press. 
  4. "A New World of Work Challenging Swedish Unions" (2013). 
  5. "The surprising ingredients of Swedish success – free markets and social cohesion".
  6. "The Nordic Model: Pros and Cons". “The Nordic model is a term coined to capture the unique combination of free market capitalism and social benefits that have given rise to a society that enjoys a host of top-quality services, including free education and free healthcare, as well as generous, guaranteed pension payments for retirees. These benefits are funded by taxpayers and administered by the government for the benefit of all citizens.”
  7. "Constructing Nordic welfare?".
  8. Sachs, Jeffrey (2006). "{{{title}}}". Center for Capitalism & Society, Venice Summer Institute. doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262015318.003.0012. “First, like the Anglo-Saxon economies, the Nordic economies are overwhelmingly private-sector owned, open to trade, and oriented to international markets. Financial, labor, and product market forces operate powerfully throughout non-state sector. In short, these are capitalist economies...Second, there is no single Nordic model, and still less, an unchanging Nordic model. What has been consistently true for decades is a high level of public social outlays as a share of national income, and a sustained commitment to social insurance and redistributive social support for the poor, disabled, and otherwise vulnerable parts of the population.” 
  9. Hicks, Alexander (January 20, 2000). "{{{title}}}". Cornell University Press. “By the late 1950s, labor had been incorporated alongside Swedish business in fully elaborated corporatist institutions of collective bargaining and policy making, public as well as private, supply-side (as for labour training) as well as demand side (e.g., Keynesian). During the 1950s and 1960s, similar neocorpratist institutions developed in Denmark and Norway, in Austria and the Netherlands, and somewhat later, in Belgium and Finland.” 
  10. "What the Nordic mixed economy can teach today’s new left.".
  11. "The Nordic Model: Pros and Cons". “The model is underpinned by a capitalist economy that encourages creative destruction. While the laws make it is easy for companies to shed workers and implement transformative business models, employees are supported by generous social welfare programs.”
  12. "Teideal in easnamh ar an lua Either specify one, or click here and a bot will try to complete the citation details for you. {{{title}}}" (3 December 2013). US: Oxford University Press. 
  13. "America's Social Democratic Future".
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 "The Nordic Model: Embracing globalization and sharing risks" (PDF).
  15. https://sweden.se/society/health-care-in-sweden/
  16. "Economy Rankings" (2016).
  17. "Teideal in easnamh ar an lua Either specify one, or click here and a bot will try to complete the citation details for you. {{{title}}}" (2013). 

Léitheoireacht bhreise

cuir in eagar
  • Booth, Michael (2015). "The almost nearly perfect people: behind the myth of the Scandinavian utopia". London: Vintage Books. 
  • "The Nordic Model of Social Democracy" (2013). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Bucken-Knapp, Gregg (2009). "Defending the Swedish model: Social Democrats, trade unions, and labor migration policy reform". Lanham: Lexington Books. 
  • "The Nordic model of welfare: a historical reappraisal" (2006). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. 
  • Hilson, Mary (2008). "The Nordic model: Scandinavia since 1945". London: Reaktion. 
  • Kenworthy, Lane (2014). "Social Democratic America". Oxford New York: Oxford University Press. 
  • Kvist, Jon (2012). "Changing social equality: the Nordic welfare model in the 21st century". Bristol: Policy Press. 
  • Lakey, George (2016). "Viking economics: how the Scandinavians got it right - and how we can, too". Brooklyn: Melville House. 
  • Partanen, Anu (2017). "The Nordic theory of everything: in search of a better life". New York: HarperCollins. 
  • "Nordic lights: work, management and welfare in Scandinavia" (2013). Stockholm: SNS Förlag. 
  • Tyler, Meagan (2016), "Ten myths about prostitution, trafficking and the Nordic Model", in Tankard Reist, Melinda; Norma, Caroline (eds.), Prostitution narrative: stories of survival in the sex trade, North Melbourne, Victoria: Spinifex Press, pp. 213–226, ISBN 9781742199863. {{citation}}: Invalid |ref=harv (cabhair)
See also: "10 myths about prostitution, trafficking, and the Nordic model".