Philip Roth
úrscéalaí Meiriceánach
Scríbhneoir Meiriceánach ab ea Philip Milton Roth, a rugadh 19 Márta 1933 agus d'éag 22 Bealtaine 2018 agus a bhuaigh an duais Pulitzer le American Pastoral i 1997. Foilsíodh a chéad úrscéal Goodbye, Columbus i 1959 agus bronnadh an National Book Award (1960) air dá bharr. Bronnadh céim sa bhéarla air agus é ag freastal ar Bucknell University. Bronnadh an WH Smith Literary Award ar Roth i 2001 don úrscéal Zuckerman, The Human Stain, ainmníodh é mar leabhar na bliana.
cuir in eagarÚrscéalta Zuckerman
cuir in eagar- The Ghost Writer (1979)
- Zuckerman Unbound (1981)
- The Anatomy Lesson (1983)
- The Prague Orgy (1985)
- Exit Ghost (2007)
- The Counterlife (1986)
- American Pastoral (1997)
- I Married a Communist (1998)
- The Human Stain (2000)
Úrscéalta Roth
cuir in eagar- Deception: A Novel (1990)
- Operation Shylock: A Confession (1993)
- The Plot Against America (2004)
Úrscéalta Kepesh
cuir in eagar- The Breast (1972)
- The Professor of Desire (1977)
- The Dying Animal (2001)
Úrscéalta Eile
cuir in eagar- Goodbye, Columbus (1959)
- Letting Go (1962)
- When She Was Good (1967)
- Portnoy's Complaint (1969)
- Our Gang (1971)
- The Great American Novel (1973)
- My Life As a Man (1974)
- Sabbath's Theater (1995)
- Everyman (2006)
- Indignation (2008)
- The Humbling (2009)
- Nemesis (2010)
Cuimhní Cinn
cuir in eagar- The Facts: A Novelist's Autobiography (1988)
- Patrimony: A True Story (1991)
cuir in eagar- Reading Myself and Others (1976)
- A Philip Roth Reader (1980, leagan athbhreithnithe 1993)
- Shop Talk (2001)